Have you been struggling with attracting new clients or making conversions lately? It is probably because you need a brand refresh. One thing you must do as a business leader or entrepreneur is to ensure that your brand evolves over time to meet the needs of your ever-changing clients.

One of the most impactful yet easiest ways to breathe new life into your brand is to carry out a brand refresh. This not only presents a cosmetic solution but also makes your brand more relevant to your customers. How do you refresh your brand successfully this year? Continue reading to find out.

What is a Brand Refresh?

brand refresh

To successfully refresh your brand, you must fully grasp what this process means. It is the reimagining of your brand’s feel and look. In a nutshell, it creates a new face for your brand, especially when it feels a little outdated or stale.

Usually, a brand refresh focuses on redesigning your visual identity. However, it also touches on your products or services, systems, and overall company culture. Taking this step helps to improve business performance and boost employee morale.

How to Refresh Your Brand Successfully This Year

When you refresh your brand, you enjoy an array of benefits, especially when you get it right. Some of these benefits include increasing sales, creating a fresh buzz about your products, rejuvenating customer experience, attracting top talent, access to more funding, etc. That said, we must answer one question, “How do you refresh your brand successfully this year?

Here are a few tips:

Perform an audit of your brand

brand audit

The first step is to audit your brand properly. This begins by determining if you need a brand refresh and the reasons behind this step. You will also need to look at your products or services, your different online platforms, and brick-and-mortar spaces to discover where you need to make adjustments. Some questions you need to answer at this stage include:

Revisit your mission and your vision

Before you started running your brand, you probably had a mission and vision statement. This is a good time to revisit both to see if you have been working in line with what you wrote down. As part of your refresh process, you may need to adjust your operations, products or services, and even customer relations to align with your mission and vision. Again, you have to answer a few questions:

Recraft your brand message

Clarity is one of the most important aspects of the brand refresh process. Your brand message is also an aspect you must consider when working on a refresh. It reflects how your brand connects with your audience. If you get your brand message right, you can rest assured that your customers will develop an emotional attachment to you and your brand. Check to ensure that your brand message delivers the information and emotions you want to pass on to your clients. If it doesn’t, then you need to recraft it. This time, make it clear, easy to understand, and highly creative. Remember, if it resonates with your target audience, you can attract more conversions and improve customer loyalty.

Ensure brand consistency across different brand touchpoints

Once you have recrafted your brand message, your next step is to ensure brand consistency. This involves maintaining positioning and communication aligned with your brand mission, vision, message, and elements—all of which make up your identity. This means you need to ensure that your brand message across your platforms is uniform. You also need to create a proper handshake between your brand message and visual elements. If you attain brand consistency across your touchpoints, you can achieve the robustness you need to refresh your brand.

Create a brand style guide to ensure consistency

The final step of the process is to create a brand style guide. This guide contains information about your refresh process, brand message, and the rules that define how your brand should feel and look. It should include everything, from your logo to your preferred brand colors and typography. The guide should also contain instructions regarding your brand voice and customer relations.

Let’s Help You

This post has explained in detail how to refresh your brand this year. Three things you must remember about the process are ensuring your brand message delivers the right information, attaining brand consistency, and creating a brand style. We understand this process’s difficulty, so we want to help you. Corporately Lucid has experience helping businesses complete their brand refresh processes. Connect with us today, and let’s book a strategy session.

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